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Art Films
Short Stories in Film
Artistic Creators
Meditation Films
Barbie & Friends
Weddings, Brides, Couples
Graffiti/Street Art
Graphic Novels
1 Minute Videos
Short Films for Children
Paintings Prints Sketches
Movie Posters
Links & Other
Photos of Gino

Cry Me a River Youtube  https://vimeo.com/1041450834 RD A W1  Youtube  https://vimeo.com/1046584010
DR 704 Rd RD 425, Nebraska  Youtube                      https://vimeo.com/1029870923 RD 425 DR 705  Youtube                                              https://vimeo.com/1030523661
Art Walk  Youtube  Rd 425 Rd 703 Nebraska  Youtube                             https://vimeo.com/1026610097
Keeping Fit Youtube  https://vimeo.com/974565917 Art Appreciation Youtube https://vimeo.com/990334810
Olivetti Lettera 35 Youtube https://vimeo.com/923037792 Running Safety Tips  Youtube  https://vimeo.com/941411048
Clothes Hanger Maker  Youtube  https://vimeo.com/808904435 Royal Enfield  Youtube   https://vimeo.com/812661893 
Metal Graveyard  Youtube  https://vimeo.com/776451703 St Mary Queen of Angels, Russell Kansas  Youtubehttps://vimeo.com/792635088
Tubing  Youtube  https://vimeo.com/761957440 Golden Colorado Parade  Youtube
People Watching at Piazza de Espagna, Roma. Youtube https://vimeo.com/741232468 Genoa, Colorado  Youtube  https://vimeo.com/743277221
The Old Bridge  Youtube  https://vimeo.com/668006136 Nuns Youtube  https://vimeo.com/729848278
KimberZ Workout Routine  Youtube  https://vimeo.com/626842450 The Station  Youtube https://vimeo.com/647581340
Number Please  Youtube https://vimeo.com/576215107 Endangered Species Totem Pole  Youtube  https://vimeo.com/591730878
Carousel Youtube https://vimeo.com/557712321 Road J and Road E1 Norton County Kansas  Youtube  https://vimeo.com/562326316
Street Humans Youtube https://vimeo.com/548958480 Fort Scott Memorial Day Flags  Youtube https://youtu.be/hszP6ILr0fk
The Cyclist 2  Youtube  https://vimeo.com/545169936  Feedlot in Dodge City Kansas  Youtube  https://vimeo.com/541464344
St John The Baptist Catholic Church, Hanover, KS  Youtube  https://vimeo.com/533817249 Metal Detector  Youtube  https://vimeo.com/535351863
San Jose Cemetery, Santa Rosa, NM  Youtube
St Fidelis Cemetery, Northwestern KS  Youtube https://vimeo.com/523556634
Wind Power  Youtube  https://vimeo.com/517668326
Wind Energy   Vimeo

Fitness   VimeoWind Turbines  Vimeo
Pioneers  VimeoThe Cyclist  Vimeo
Under the Same Sky We Dream  VimeoTrail to Justice  Vimeo
Western Kansas Former Home  VimeoTwo Story House Slowly Fading Away  Vimeo
Urban  VimeoAbandoned House and Barn  Vimeo
Early Farmstead  VimeoHospital  Vimeo
Forgotten Homestead  VimeoHasty Departure  Vimeo
RD E 1 RD C  VimeoPeriod Pieces in
RD Q RD W5  VimeoNight Stroll in San Diego  Vimeo
Hotel Co Marine Graduation Day,  Dec 9, 2019 Vimeo
Marsha at the Park  Vimeo
Paris VimeoHotel Co Marine Family Day (Grad date 12.9.19) Youtube
Paris La Defense  VimeoMuseum d’Orsay Video  Vimeo
Rodin Museum  YoutubeAir Conditioner Installation  Vimeo
Smoky Valley Roller Mills  YoutubeGates of Hell  Youtube
Chinese Terracotta Warriors  YoutubeEastern State Penitentiary  Youtube
Richard Nixon Presidential LibraryRD R RD 9  Youtube
Pilot BoatSelf Defense Training
Tuttle Creek and Dam  VimeoMarion Reservoir  Vimeo
Wind EnergyAlexanderwohl Mennonite Church  Vimeo
Italian TrainsRural Road
Summer BreezeKayak Water Polo
Prairie Dog State Park, KansasShipping Port, Italy
Saint Mark, KansasAndale Kansas
TrafficBeach View in Mississippi
CR 280 and Avenue M is a county road intersection in central KansasCR 230 Av M
Kaw LakeLa Cathedrale St-Jean, Lafayette, Louisiana
Grain Elevators II
Grain Elevators
Oil PumpsCroissants
PollutionSolar Panels
Christmas Display at Wichita's BotanicaIlluminations at Wichita's Botanica
Trash LandfillUrban Dance
Cement FactoryKansas Showreel
Drone RescueRiver Surfer
Cattle Drive, Dallas, TX
QT  or Quick Trip is a chain of convenience store/gas stations in the MidWest, USA.
The most recent building was demolished and built fast.  This store/station is  in Wichita, Kansas.
Wind TurbinesFamine Sculpture
Dominican Sisters of Peace ConventFeedlot
John Redmond ReservoirMetallic Grain Elevators
Tombstone PortraitsThe Last Supper 
The Last Supper is a sculpture at the Cimitero Monumentale in Milano, Italy
Cemetery MonumentaleCimitero Monumentale portraits
Barbie  videoGreenwood Cemetery:
Greenwood Cemetery is located in Brooklyn, New York.
Many famous Americans are buried here.
Tifosi VideoJuventus Museum  video
Old Grain Elevator in the process of being recycled. Located in Wichita, Kansas.Exploration Place, Wichita
Central Park Ice Skating at Wollman Rink in New York City.
Video and music by Gino Salerno.
Kansas Masonic Home. Video and Music by Gino Salerno.
Old Wichita Airport or Riverside Landing Field is located in Northwest Wichita, Kansas.  Video by Gino Salerno. Music by Adam Kaplan.Old Train Depot. Located somewhere in central Kansas.
Video by Gino Salerno. Music by Adam Kaplan
Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City,
Music by Mark Walker.
Art Exhibit at Artlandia during Third Thursday in Hutchinson, KS
Oklahoma City Marathon  VimeoDrive In Theater  Vimeo
MECHANIZED TOYS!  VimeoDress Up Party, Venice, Italy  Vimeo  Youtube
Torture  Vimeo  instruments from the middle ages to the inquisition.Train Stop  Train Trip: Boston-Portland, ME
Keepers of the Plain, Sponsored by Together Wichita, Vimeo   YoutubeKeeper of the Plains by Blackbear Bosin.  Watch the progress as the Keeper is reseated in its new surrounding with a higher pedestal, Vimeo.  YouTube
Abandoned Mill, KS  VimeoOpening Act  Vimeo  Youtube
Ballerina Training  YouTubeBallerina  YouTube
Flea Market Marilyn  YoutubeModigliani  Youtube
Miniature Racing         Youtube.Beach Workout  Youtube
Andrew J Spear                          Youtube Rodeo                                   Youtube
Japanese Wedding            Youtube        VimeoWhirligigs            Youtube            Vimeo
Metal Dinosaurs         Youtube          VimeoBarns                        Vimeo      Youtube     
Chocolate Factory, Joplin, MO           Youtube       VimeoWestern Wall, Wailing Wall  Jerusalem, Israel         Youtube
Roller Blades              Vimeo        YoutubeMy Tribute to Amelia      Vimeo       Youtube
Memorial Day Flags                                 Youtube      Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon 2013           Youtube
Color Run, April 201  Youtube http://vimeo.com/64039829 Cripple Creek Bike Ride.  All down hill--no breaks (almost) Youtube  Vimeo
Kites  in different colors and sizes!
YOSHI Rolls for Japan.  Yoshi rode from coast to coast in Canada raising funds for Tsunami ravaged Japan. 3-3-13  Youtube
Sledding YoutubeIemanja Goddesses  Brazil's festival on February 2nd each year celebrating the Queen of the Ocean Iemanja  Youtube https://vimeo.com/59689934
ORIXAS Women dance to honor the Orixas, spirits in the Yoruba religion--especially the spirit of Iemanja, the most beautiful of them all.
Youtube or Vimeo
Iemanja Offerings & Prayers Youtube or https://vimeo.com/59806657
Capoeira  mixture of martial arts and dance  Youtube https://vimeo.com/59181016 Capoeira in the Streets of Salvador, Brazil  Youtube  https://vimeo.com/59206664 
Wrestling YoutubePrairie Fire Marathon and Half Marathon Oct 14, 2012, filmed from a bicycle.  Youtube
New York City  Combined photographs and video of some icons in New York City  Youtube
Ellis Island New York City entry point for millions of immigrants in the 1800's and the early 20th century. Many photographs on display in the museums were taken by anonymous photographers.  Youtube
Las Vegas Experience.  Fabulous Las Vegas!
A three day experience condensed into a few minutes...
All free entertainment!
Coors Brewing Company.  Filmed at the Coors Brewing Company in Golden, Colorado  Youtube
Tall Ships Festival Vimeo Nova Scotia, Canada.Fountains in Las Vegas  Youtube
Third Thursday in Hutchinson, Kansas a downtown arts, music , food, shops Festival every Third Thursday with painters, sculptors, ceramic artists, and musicians YoutubeCarnevale at the Venetian, Las Vegas  Youtube
Elvin and Marsha, Half Marathon April 2012  YoutubeJim Percussing on Chris's Sculpture  Youtube
Chris's Recitation YoutubeMark Walker plays guitar Youtube
Jim Gulick plays drums Youtube
Ipanema Block Party  Youtube
Rio Subway Station  Youtube.Stone Mountain near Atlanta Georgia, December 2011  Youtube.
Best Carnaval Dancers, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Carnaval 2012  Youtube http://vimeo.com/37832314 Corcovado  "Christ the Redeemer Cristo Redentor"  Youtube http://vimeo.com/38677656
The Girl in the Red Dress Dancing at Carnival Rio de Janeiro  Youtube http://vimeo.com/37498398 Girl in the Green Dress.  Dancing at Carnival Rio de Janeiro  Youtube http://vimeo.com/37866008
Museo delle Marionette, Palermo, Sicily, Marionette Puppets in Italy YoutubeMoors Against Christians  This reenactment of Moors vs Spainish took place in Carboneras, Spain in the month of June 2011  Vimeo  http://vimeo.com/25715740
Sagrada Familia This impressive church, designed by Antoni Gaudi, and under construction since 1882, is in Barcelona, Spain.  Youtube  http://vimeo.com/25493442 Elvis-Like Performer in Spain Vimeo
Venice Beach in California!
Lots of colorful people, art, surf and sunshine!            http://vimeo.com/21983487
Sexy Mannequins.  Mannequins from different stores and cities were filmed in this compilation.  The clothes are nice too!
Air Pollution seen from different places.  Youtube            https://vimeo.com/21829527 Marco Riding Vimeo
Il Duomo, Milan  Take a tour of one of Milan, Italy's most beautiful cathedrals, 2010 Vimeo

Musical Cows.  Cowbells.  Very Musical--filmed in Sicily 2010.

Halloween Treat.  Halloween displays from around my neighborhood.  HAPPY HALLOWEEN!  WATCH NOW!

Horses.  Horses! All sizes and colors.  Youtube.

Fish Market.  A variety of fish and sea creatures for sale.
Filmed in South Korea and Japan.  Youtube.

Fire and Drums.  A fine display of fire artists, dancing and drumming.
The rhythms and performers are outstanding.  Youtube.

Air Show at McConnell Air Force Base, Wichita, KS, September 2010.  Super cool footage of some very fast and some not so fast airplanes.

Mesa Verde is a National Park located in Arizona.  Youtube.

Dancers in the Street....was driving home the other nite and I saw this group of people dancing. It looked surreal since it was quite dark with a single dim light and the occasional lights from cars driving. There were quite a few of them...It appeared at first totally disorganized, spontaneous...but after watching for a minute or so, I realized it was a synchronized choreography...Had to film it in the lowest light possible. hence the graininess of the video. But it was fun to watch and to listen to the beat of a single, powerful drummer.

Flute Player in the Park.  Carl Williams plays the double Indian flute.  Nice, peaceful music.  Filmed in Riverside Park, Wichita, Kansas.  Youtube.

Nice Waves.  Surfboarding fun.  Youtube.

Gino has completed many feature films, documentaries, and short films.  Information about the films, and/or their trailers are available at the links below.

Square Dancing at the Kansas State Fair, September 2010.

Pig Races at the Kansas State Fair, September 2010.

Water Fountains in Lima, Peru.  More than just a place to play, Lima's Fountains are a spectacular cultural show.

BMX Peru.  Bikers and skaters work out at Lima Peru's BMX park. Youtube.

Stonehenge in the early dawn hours of the beautiful English countryside.

The Statue of Liberty.  A wonderful visit to see Lady Liberty.

Para-sailing.  Fun!  Filmed in Lima, Peru.  Youtube.

New York City Pride Parade.

Yoder Days.  Yoder is a small Amish community in Kansas.
They have an annual Festival that include races.  Youtube.

The Coney Island Mermaid Parade.  The Mermaid Parade, Coney Island, New York.  A colorful, exciting parade held on the board walk every year in June.

Tokyo Marathon.  Highlights of the 2009 Tokyo marathon.

LO PUSE TODO.  Music Video in Spanish, written and sung by Albano, music by Adrian Antoine.

Trevor Stewart and the Earthlines.

Aliena's Babies.  Twins on April 17, 2010!

Marsha's Marathon.  Marsha Salerno ran the 13.1 mile half marathon in 2 hours, 16 minutes and 6 seconds in Wichita on April 25, 2010. 


Passionate Voices.  Modern Dance/Song Interpretation by Danika Bielek.   

Seven Deadly Sins.  The sins are compared & contrasted in this entertaining video which will make the viewer think.

The Jayhawk Juggler.  Dan Fitzgerald Juggling.  Short Documentary.

Unicycle MasterShort Film.  Vodvill Entertainment Company, Lawrence, KS. rrenner@vodvill.com 

Stilt Master.  Short Film.  Vodvill Entertainment Company, Lawrence, KS. rrenner@vodvill.com

Flatland String Band.  WATCH NOW!  Short Documentary.  FSB is a Kansas group that plays folk and contemporary music in the Americana style.  The video shows the members rehearsing for the next show.   

The Pharmacist.  intense Drama-Horror.  A small town pharmacist gives the wrong medicine to the people she does not like.  Is anybody safe?   DVD 90 minutes. 

See information on Amazon.com

A Forgotten Average Man.  Short Drama.  This bittersweet short film explores an average man's response to terrible tragedy.  years after suffering the loss of his wife and son in the same instant, Roger Stevens if trying to awaken himself to begin life again.  DVD 32 minutes.

Haitian Trip.  Family Adventure.  Coming of age adventure of a privileged American boy lost in Haiti.  Drawing upon his courage and desire to get home, the boy journeys through Haiti's diverse countryside to find his way.  DVD 2 hours.

Purchase from Gino.

Mysterious Tales. A series of 25 otherworldly short, diverse films.  Click to see details:
